APS Tutoring

Alamogordo Public Schools is excited to share these new tutoring opportunities that are available to APS students. APS has partnered with Sylvan Learning of Alamogordo to offer free on-demand homework assistance.  Beginning Monday, January 13th through May 22nd, live online tutors will be available Monday - Thursday, 5 pm to 7 pm, to provide homework support. 

Please read the flyers below for additional details and scan the QR code to access the homework assistance via Zoom.  For additional questions, please call 575-554-7885 or email alamogordo.nm@sylvanlearning.com 

Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9304015037?pwd=N21RN3d4UG9ja0pOVUQxcmZWTGdnUT09#success

Also, morning tutoring is now available in the AHS library from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. Tuesday through Thursday for Alamogordo High School students.  

If you have questions about this or any other topic, remember that you can connect with APS through Let's Talk! 24/7 or call or text an APS call center staff member during regular business hours at 575-812-8573.  

Let's Talk! Alamogordo: https://www.alamogordoschools.org/o/aps/page/contact

APS Online Home Work Assistance AHS Morning Tutoring